Saturday, September 8, 2007

Questioning Israel's Right to Exist

Always strongly discouraged, isn't it? It's probably only a matter of time before the discussion of this subject will become regarded with the same abhorrence as denying the Holocaust(R)and subject to similar legal sanction. But the Internet is thankfully still a politically-correct free zone, so let's fearlessly dive in and question away with alacrity whilst we can!

What is the legitimate basis of Israel’s claim to the Palestinian land it has occupied since 1948? It really is astoundingly flimsy and is to be found in the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis. The author (or authors) unknown of this ancient text record that God promised Abraham (and all his descendants in perpetuity) the land between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers, on condition that (again in perpetuity) all his male descendants be circumcised on the eighth day after birth. And that's all, folks!

To anyone remotely sane, the above bargain must sound utterly ludicrous; yet it is indeed the SOLE basis upon which the Jews claim the right to partition Palestine! Not only is this bargain (or the ‘Covenant’ as the Jews like to call it) completely crazy, it was described in Genesis by a person (or persons) who are a) anonymous, b) Jewish and therefore biased, and c) incapable of cross-examination. Consider also that the book of Genesis also contains the fable of the Creation – long since proved a falsehood after much reasoned scientific study.

To base the seizure of Arab lands on some biblical fable to whom only Jewish zealots subscribe, seems to Phaedrus to be nothing short of total madness. The whole affair would be laughable were it not for the untold thousands of Palestinian men, women and children who have been callously murdered in the pursuit of this dream to create a new Zion. Phaedrus’ most fervent hope is that it will not be too much longer before the hopelessness of the current state of affairs is finally admitted and Israel is re-established elsewhere in the world where its existence will not give rise to such awful consequences for its neighbors.